Patient Education Library
The ADA Patient Education Library provides the most popular topics in dentistry that will help you better maintain your dental health. Select an article or video below to get started now.
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Your Child's First Dental Visit Removable Partial Dentures Tooth Extraction: Post-Operative Instructions Your Wisdom Teeth Taking Care of Your Teeth and Gums Basic Flossing Do You Have a Cracked Tooth? Periodontal Disease: Your Complete Guide Basic Brushing Periodontal Disease: Keep Your Gums Healthy Fluoride: Nature's Cavity Fighter Hate To Floss? 3 Other Ways to Clean Between Your Teeth Handling Your Child's Dental Emergency Get the Facts about Mouth and Throat Cancer Oral Health and the HPV Vaccine Do You Grind Your Teeth? Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth Do You Have Sleep Apnea? Your Single Tooth Implant Your Child's Teeth Tobacco and Oral Health Seal Out Decay Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Healthy Smiles for Mother and Baby Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body: Making the Connection Baby Teeth: When They Come In, When They Fall Out Thumb Sucking, Finger Sucking and Pacifier Use Sip and Snack All Day? Risk Decay! 3 Tooth Replacement Options Tooth Erosion Tooth Decay Treating Cavities Should You Take Antibiotics before Your Dental Treatment? Mouthguards and Sports Safety Gum Recession Causes and Treatments Dental X-Ray Exams Diabetes and Your Oral Health Scaling and Root Planing Pregnancy and Oral Health Your Dentures Your Child's First Visit to the Dentist Root Canal Therapy Can Save Your Tooth Periodontal Disease - Don't wait until it hurts Why Do I Need a Bridge? Why Do I Need a Crown? Your Smile - An Owner's Manual Dental Sealants Protecting teeth, preventing decay Happiness is a Healthy Smile Dental Veneers - Improve Your Smile Tooth Whitening for a Brighter Smile Why Baby Teeth Are Important Dry Mouth Sealant Quick Reference Caries en Dientes de Leche Why Doesn't My Insurance Pay for This? Periodontal Maintenance: Stay on Top of Gum Disease Flossing Quick Reference Brushing Quick Reference Your Child's Teeth: Ages 6–12 Your Child's Teeth: From Birth to Age 6 Dental Implants: Are they an option for you Mouth Sores and Spots Sipping, Snacking and Decay Improving Your Smile
Taking Care of Your Teeth and Gums Dental Implants Your Child's Teeth: Birth to Age 5 Your Child's Teeth: Ages 6-12 Insurance Treating Periodontal Disease Tooth Decay TMJ Three Tooth Replacement Options Smile Makeover Sip and Snack All Day Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body Early Childhood Caries Crowns Cracked Tooth Bridges Tooth Extraction Preventing Periodontal Disease
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